Everyone deserves a chance to have their rights defended and protected if they make a mistake or are accused of a crime. If you have been arrested for a crime or are under a criminal investigation, it is important to hire legal representation. Consulting with a Kernersville criminal defense lawyer may be your chance at freedom.
At LAWSMITH, The Law Offices of J. Scott Smith, PLLC, we work tirelessly to defend our clients. We understand the severe consequences that may come with a criminal conviction, so we aim to ensure our clients have a chance to fight any charge against them.
Consulting with an experienced lawyer may be your optimal line of defense for avoiding the harsh consequences related to being charged with a crime. At LAWSMITH, The Law Offices of J. Scott Smith, PLLC, we protect our clients in all areas of criminal law including:
We litigate violent crimes from domestic abuse to assault to sexual crimes to homicides. These crimes are associated with the most serious consequences, including life imprisonment.
Felonies are the most severe type of crimes that come with the harshest consequences. In North Carolina, felonies are ranked by letter from A-I, with class A felonies being the most serious. The death penalty without parole may be a consequence for a class A felony, while certain felonies like possession or forgery are punishable by up to 24 months in jail.
Misdemeanors in North Carolina are ranked from class A1 to class 3. The maximum punishment for a misdemeanor can be up to 150 days in jail, while the minimum may be only the costs of court. Examples of misdemeanor crimes are assault on a government official or driving with unsealed liquor in the passenger area .
Theft crimes we litigate include all crimes that involve one person taking another person’s property. Theft crimes can be either felonies or misdemeanors depending on the circumstances. Each crime comes with its own consequences, with the most severe being charged as felonies.
Any type of child exploitation is a serious crime in North Carolina. Examples of child exploitation are child pornography, child sex trafficking, or distributing material that exploits innocent children. Child abuse in any form is also a serious crime.
Not all crimes require physical contact. Some crimes are committed with the use of a computer. Violation of intellectual property rights, crimes related to cryptocurrency, digital piracy, and fraud are just a few.
White-collar crimes tend to involve financial corruption and may include all types of fraud, forgery, and embezzlement. These crimes also may not involve physical contact, but they may cause serious damage and, therefore, are prosecuted with serious consequences.
In North Carolina, it is illegal to manufacture, possess, or distribute controlled substances. If you are caught doing any of these, you may be arrested, charged, and convicted.
If you are accused or even charged with a crime in North Carolina, you have rights as outlined by the North Carolina State Constitution. For example, you have the right to:
It is important that you exercise your rights if you are charged with a crime to avoid additional consequences. Every move you make between being arrested and standing before a judge counts. A devoted and focused lawyer can be invaluable for ensuring your rights are protected as you navigate the complex legal system.
Being charged with a crime can be life-changing, but having a lawyer on your side can make a world of difference. Lawyers can guide you through the legal process whether you are found guilty of the crime or maintain your innocence. The legal process in North Carolina goes as follows:
Affording a criminal defense lawyer can be a challenge, but luckily, we offer an initial consultation. The cost of a lawyer varies by firm and largely depends on the location of the firm, the lawyer’s experience, and the complexity of your case. It is important to contact your lawyer directly to get an idea of their rates and policies.
A good criminal lawyer will have a solid grasp of the law and, specifically, the laws concerning your case. They will be strong advocates and have a proven track record of success in litigating criminal cases. A good criminal defense lawyer will have a stellar reputation, be accessible, and be able to provide you with personal attention throughout the process.
Criminal defense lawyers handle cases surrounding criminal law. Criminal defense lawyers defend their clients in court, working to negotiate their charges or, in some cases, get their cases dismissed. Examples of cases a criminal defense lawyer may litigate are cases involving violent crimes, drug-related cases, child abuse and exploitation cases, and white-collar crimes.
In Kernersville, you should hire a criminal defense lawyer as soon as you get arrested. If you delay, you may say too much to an officer or another party, which can be used against you later. Your criminal defense lawyer can walk you through all parts of the legal process, including representing you in court.
Everyone deserves the right to receive quality legal representation, even if they are charged with a serious crime. At LAWSMITH, The Law Offices of J. Scott Smith, PLLC, we are committed to defending your case if you find yourself up against criminal charges. Contact us today to speak with a member of our experienced legal team.